1:1 Adventure Support

We believe that everyone deserves adventure in their lives, so if group sessions aren’t for you, GAS can tailor a one on one supported adventure package according to your needs.

We have capacity for new 1:1 support on most days. We look forward to adventuring with you.

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Intake Process

Step 1:
Complete an intake form (PDF version | Word Version)

Step 2:
Meet with GAS (1 hour) in person or online.

Step 3:
Optional 1:1 session to test out an activity/location and to get to know the GAS team. Optional group meet and greet (join the group just for one hour over morning or afternoon tea to see if it’s a good fit for you.

Step 4:
Start in the program of your choice.

Example Session Costs

1:1 Weekday 5-hour session cost (pick up from Geelong Station)

1:1 Weekday rate: $67.56 [04_104_0125_6_1]

    • 5 hours of Service Delivery: $337.80

    • 20 minutes of Provider Travel: $22.52

Provider Travel Non-Labour Costs: $1/km  [04_799_0125_6_1]

    • 8km: $8.00

Activity Based Transport: $1/km [04_590_0125_6_1]

    • 50km: $50.00

(For sessions that include boats/bikes/cooking/climbing gear, add 30min Non-Face-To-Face Services $33.78 [04_104_0125_6_1_T] for the worker to prepare/pack/clean equipment.)

Total Cost: $452.10

Cost will vary to reflect accurate time and km travelled.

1:1 Saturday 6-hour session cost (pick up from home)

1:1 Saturday rate: $95.07 [04_105_0125_6_1]

    • 6 hours of Service Delivery: $570.42

    • 15 minutes of Provider Travel: $23.77

Provider Travel Non-Labour Costs: $1/km [04_799_0125_6_1]

    • 8km: $8.00

Activity Based Transport: $1/km [04_591_0136_5_1]

    • 52km: $52.00

For boats/bikes/cooking/climbing gear, add 30min Non-Face-To-Face Services $47.53 [04_105_0125_6_1] for the worker to prepare/load/clean/maintain equipment.)

Total Cost: $701.72

Cost will vary to reflect accurate km travelled.